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    24 Downright Bizarre Things People Have Done On The NYC Subway

    "New York, I love you, but you're bringing me down..."

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the weirdest experiences they've had on the subway. Here's what they had to say:

    1. Used a stranger as a curtain for a wardrobe change.

    2. Left a pile of shit and a sorry note.

    3. Gave out business cards as the "The Green Lady."

    4. Ate corn on the cob and then flossed.

    5. Paid someone to watch their kid on the train.

    6. Went ham on a rotisserie chicken.

    7. Decided not to rob a car because nobody in there gave a fuck.

    8. Showed everybody their baby rat.

    9. Held a sign for $1 hugs.

    10. Shot-gunned a Four Loko while playing the keys.

    11. Jacked off...

    12. Chain-smoked while singing the national anthem.

    13. Played rounds of Yahtzee, Connect 4 AND used a typewriter.

    14. Let loose a live chicken.

    15. Gave people advice on Jesus and cilantro, in that order.

    16. Preached the word of the good lord(s).

    17. Requested for more seat room for their ferret.

    18. Told someone that using their phone was insulting Hillary Clinton.

    19. Impersonated Justin Bieber.

    20. Serenaded a family the entire train ride.

    21. Warned others that becoming a mermaid or a werewolf was actually an act of Satan.

    22. Wore all gold and sang an overly zealous rendition of "Shots."

    23. Talked about being an alien from outer space.

    24. Tried to sell public.

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    Thumbnail image courtesy of Seth Werkheiser / CC BY-SA 2.0