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    27 Travel Products For People Who Are Always Running Late For Their Flights

    Because missing your flight is never an option.

    1. A digital luggage scale so you know exactly how much your suitcase weighs ahead of time and you're not *that* person frantically trying to rearrange bags and put on all their heaviest clothes to get their suitcase under the weight allowance.

    reviewer photo of digital luggage scale

    2. A clear TSA- approved toiletry bag to keep all your travel-sized liquids in one place you can easily find when you reach security.

    hand holding the clear square bag with blue trim filled with toiletries

    3. An RFID-blocking travel wallet you can use to easily keep all your travel documents, credit cards, and ID in one place, and not have to worry about anyone stealing your identity while you're on the go.

    4. A portable charger because chances are your phone battery is already down to 5% because you didn't have time to charge it before you left the house. This compact device is not only fast charging but also gives you up to three full charges.

    the rectangle power bank in black with cord and mesh pouch sitting next to it

    5. A passport and vaccination cardholder ideal for keeping important travel documents safe and easy to find, instead of crumpled at the bottom of one of your bags.

    different colored passport holders

    6. A Trtl neck pillow to help you rest comfortably on the plane (even in a middle seat) after running to catch your flight. The pillow is specifically designed to keep your head in an ergonomic position so you don't wake up with a crick in your neck when you land.

    model sleeping with trtle neck pillow

    7. A pair of odor eliminators you can toss into your bag or suitcase so you don't have to worry about any funky scents from all the snacks you bought before hopping on the plane.

    long rectangle-shaped grey bag sitting on top of a gym bag

    8. A carry-on suitcase that's lightweight and has spinner wheels that will keep up with you whether you're running on cement, carpet, or through the airport. It also has a TSA lock, divider panels inside, and external USB-A and -C ports so you can charge your devices.

    three blue travelrpo suitcases

    9. A pack of biodegradable, plant-based hypoallergenic wipes so you can wipe down all your things and yourself in a pinch because traveling is germy. They're big enough to wipe your body down and they're made with natural ingredients like tea tree oil, peppermint, and ginseng, so you won't smell like chemicals, either.

    model using one of the wipes on their arm

    10. A collapsible water bottle to help you stay hydrated throughout your entire trip and not force you to sacrifice half the space in your bag carrying it when it's empty. It has a leak-proof design, too, so you won't have to worry about spills in your luggage.

    11. A USB-chargeable fan you can use to cool yourself down after you've been racing from gate to gate and finally have a chance to sit and take a deep breath.

    reviewer holding black portable fan

    12. An AirFly — a wireless transmitter that will connect to your wireless headphones to let you watch movies on your flight and not have to use the free earbuds they give you that only emit sound in one ear.

    reviewer photo of AlrFly plugged into screen on the plane

    13. A pair of compression socks so you have one less thing to think about when dressing for travel. They have compression to help increase circulation and decrease swollen legs and feet, and they're moisture-wicking so you won't be sweaty and hot.

    reviewer photo of gray compression sock

    14. A pair of Adidas running shoes because you're likely going to racing through the airport. And they're slip-on, so you won't even have to deal with laces when you need to dash through security.

    reviewer photo of gray and white adidas running shoes

    15. A retractable lint roller to be used as a quick and easy way to keep your outfit looking clean once you land. Say goodbye to any lingering pet hair or airplane snack crumbs on your clothes.

    model holding a retractable lint roller

    16. A bottle of Glossier Invisible Shield, a lightweight sunscreen that won't leave streaks down your face even if you're sweating on your way to your airport. You also won't have to worry about it being tossed out going through security because it's a carry-on-friendly size.

    hand holding Glossier invisible Shield

    17. A roll-on migraine stick with peppermint, spearmint, and lavender essential oils that will not only smell refreshing but may also help give you some headache relief. Because travel is stressful enough.

    reviewer photo of hand holding migraine stick

    18. A cozy hoodie because it's important to be comfy while you travel, but you also still want to look cute. This hoodie is an upgrade from the oversized one you usually wear inside your house.

    model wearing light gray hoodie

    19. A mini bottle of Living Proof dry shampoo you can keep in your bag for an instant hair refresh if you got up too late to shower before the flight. It'll save you time by spritzing up your roots without you having to completely wash your hair.

    small bottle of living proof perfect hair day dry shampoo

    20. A set of portable soap paper sheets to let you clean your hands no matter where you are, especially since public bathrooms often have questionable soap at best.

    reviewer photo of small pink soap sheet dispenser

    21. A universal travel converter so you won't have to spend time trying to figure out which adapter you need for what country. It has a universal AC socket and four USB ports to let charge up to five devices in 150 different countries.

    reviewer photo of blue travel converter

    22. A compact jewelry organizer that will protect all your rings, bracelets, earrings, and more and help prevent you from ending up with a giant mess of necklaces that takes hours to untangle.

    23. An electronics organizer to keep all your cords, cables, SD cards, and plugs together so you don't get to your destination and realize you've brought five different cables but none of them work for your phone.

    24. An anti-theft backpack so you have one less thing to worry about when you're focused on rushing past crowds to catch your flight. It has interlocking zippers and cut-proof material so pickpocketers won't be able to steal all your valuables.

    25. A luggage strap you can use to attach additional bags, jackets, and more to your suitcase. It'll make it easier to run to your gate if everything is secured and you're not leaving a trail of personal items behind you.

    black luggage strap attached to a green suitcase

    26. A set of packing cubes that will make packing and unpacking so much more efficient because you can organize your clothes and know exactly where everything is without turning your suitcase upside down. It also comes with a laundry bag to keep your dirty clothes separate from your clean ones.

    reviewer photo of three gray packing cubes inside a suitcase

    27. And a pair of Beats noise-canceling headphones so that after you've narrowly made your flight, you can sit back, tune out your chatty seatmates, and relax to some music (or a murder podcast, depending on your preference).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.