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    31 Things From Target You’ll Probably Want If You Spend Most Of The Day At Your Computer

    It's time to make working from home a little more comfortable.

    1. An Egg Sitter seat cushion to support your back and spine with its honeycomb design that collapses in on itself. As we all know...sitting all day long is not the kindest on your back...or tushy. 😩

    2. A smart mug that'll regulate the temperature of your coffee so it doesn't go cold while you're in ~the zone~.

    Black smart mug in front of french press

    3. A MacBook Air keyboard cover so you can eat your lunch directly over your laptop and not have to pick out the crumbs with a toothpick every day for the rest of your life...

    White silicone keyboard cover over laptop

    4. A UV-free therapy lamp for those of us who are indoors 9–5. It mimics the look and feel of daylight — improving focus, regulating sleep, boosting energy, and lifting your spirits while you're stuck inside.

    White UV lamp

    5. A pair of tortoiseshell blue-light glasses to help protect your eyes from the harsh effects of staring at a screen...and, might I add, keep you looking pretty trendy.

    Model wearing the brown and gold tortoise shell glasses

    6. A standing desk converter because maybe you wanna get up in the middle of the day and stretch...but have a lot to do and still need to work while you're at it.

    Desktop computer on black desk converter sitting on wooden desk

    7. And don't forget a comfort mat that'll relieve foot, back, and knee pain when you're standing.

    Blue comfort mat on floor

    8. Stick-on cable clips to organize all your cables and keep them put. There is no greater frustration than your charger falling off the desk for the 100th time.

    Gray and light blue triangle shaped cord holders

    9. An ergonomic desk chair in case you've been WFH for the past two years and the kitchen chair is finally taking its toll on your back.

    Black ergonomic desk chair

    10. A memory foam cushioned mouse pad to combat carpal tunnel. Unfortunately, they don't give workers' comp for wrist pain.

    11. A screen cleaner with a microfiber cloth because maybe you haven't cleaned your computer screen in like...ever.

    Whoosh screen shine white bottle with orange microfiber cloth

    12. A braided fabric extension chord so you can *concisely* plug in all your computer gadgets. Plus, it's pretty attractive for an extension cord (never thought I'd say that).

    13. Disinfectant electronic cleaning wipes because the last time we tried to disinfect our keyboard with regular wipes we ended up at the Genius Bar with a grim prognosis. 💀

    Pack of Weiman electronic wipes

    14. An LED light strip to put behind the monitor, making you feel like a hacker while you sit in your dark lair, only to be illuminated by the color of the LED. Very, very high-tech.

    Blue LED light strip beind computer monitor on desk

    15. An adhesive webcam cover for those of us who have watched one too many Lifetime movies and are traumatized.

    Black adhesive webcam cover

    16. A chair massage cushion so you don't have to wait until after work to hit the spa. Now, that's multitasking.

    Model using massage cushion on the couch

    17. A foot bike for under your desk, so you can kill two birds with one stone and get in some cardio as you click-clack away on your keyboard. Let's face it, do we reallllly wanna rush to the gym after we just worked all day? Um, I, for one, do not.

    model using the foot bike

    18. A foldable writing desk with a modern look in case you're short on space. I know what you're thinking — this thing looks way too nice to be foldable. Well, it's not too good to be true. It's just true.

    White foldable desk with black legs with computer on top

    19. A beaded keyboard rest pad because that report isn't going to type itself — we simply do not have the time to be fatigued by wrist pain.

    Gray wrist pad at bottom of keyboard

    20. An adjustable dual monitor arm mount so you can raise your second monitor to a comfortable viewing position. This (for me) means being able to watch a YouTube video while doing work. Anyone else?

    21. An HD webcam in case your built-in webcam makes your Zoom calls look like you're starring in Paranormal Activity.

    Model videochatting on laptop with attached HD webcam

    22. A lap desk because working from home means you can be working from your bed...just saying.

    Black lap desk with moveable laptop table

    23. A dry-erase computer memo pad because for some reason electronic reminders just don't cut it. Plus, writing on a dry-erase board is way more fun.

    Dry erase memo pad in front of keyboard

    24. A mobile laptop desk that has *wheels* so you can work from anywhere you please. Beep, beep, coming through — we've got work to do.

    25. A pop-it fidget toy to help you stay focused when you've got ants in your pants at your desk and desperately need to concentrate. And no, it's not just for children. I have three.

    Rainbow pop-it fidget toy

    26. An external speaker system for your computer so you can *bump* your productivity music. 🙌

    Two black logitech sneakers

    27. A hot and cold eye mask to help your eyes (and brain) readjust after a long day of staring at a screen.

    The blue gel eye mask sitting in ice

    28. A time-marked water bottle that'll remind you to stay hydrated while you get lost in the ether that is the internet. Plus, having a water bottle near your computer is a better idea than a regular ol' glass. As someone who's lost a laptop to a spill — trust me — it is a nightmarish, anxiety-ridden experience you do not want to go through.

    Clear water bottle with time stamps

    29. A laptop cellphone clip so you can successfully FaceTime your bestie while you race to finish the deadline.

    Cellphone clipped to laptop

    30. A mini oscillating fan to put right on your desk and cool you down with four different speeds, depending on how bad your hot flash is in the current moment. Fanning yourself with a folder is just not going to cut it.

    Fan on desk next to model on laptop

    31. A water-resistant backpack with a cushioned laptop sleeve so you can travel to and from the library knowing your laptop is secure and protected...even if it's raining and you got a 20-minute walk back to your apartment...

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

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