We Tried "Big Brother" Slop And It Tasted Way Worse Than We Expected

    "Did we just eat cat vomit?"

    In case you somehow haven't caught a single episode of the past NINETEEN seasons of Big Brother, there's a little ~infamous~ dish called Slop that contestants are forced to eat for a certain amount of time as a form of punishment.

    And because not all of us can be a contestant on Big Brother, fans of the show have always wondered what the much-complained about food tastes like. Like, it can't be THAT bad, right???

    Well, wonder NO MORE because we tried the official Big Brother Slop straight from the house and yes... it really was THAT bad:

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    First of all, the look of Slop is anything but pleasant:


    And the smell of it is even WORSE:


    But the taste...

    ...the taste is pretty much incomparable.

    *Tries not to gag*

    Honestly, just eating a spoonful of Slop broke all of our spirits.

    I think we found a whole new respect for the brave souls who enter the Big Brother house and have to survive on Slop for weeks.

    You can catch Big Brother every Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. PST and on Thursdays at 9 p.m. PST on CBS.