21 Times Mariah Carey's Instagram Was So Extra That It Wasn't Extra At All

    This is why we love her.

    1. When she made pizza.

    2. When she had rehearsals.

    3. When she didn't know what to wear.

    4. When her jewelry got a massage.

    5. When her jewelry got a bath.

    6. When she was in the studio.

    7. When it was gym day.

    9. When it was St. Patrick's Day.

    10. When it was Halloween.

    11. When it was Thanksgiving.

    12. When it was Christmas.

    13. When she was in Aspen.

    14. When she was in Greece.

    15. When she was in Italy.

    16. When she was in Honolulu.

    17. When she was in Sweden.

    18. When she encountered wind.

    19. When she met fans in the milk-alternatives aisle.

    20. And when she did this zoom-out...

    A true queen, diva, social media influencer, world traveler, holiday celebrator, inventor of vocals, mother of diamonds, Legend No. 1.