14 Pictures "HSM" Zac Efron Took That He Wouldn't Today

    Oh, Troy Bolton.

    Before Zac Efron bulked into a Greek marble statue, he was a dancing theater kid and the star of High School Musical. Remember this boy from 2006?

    1. Well a lot has changed in the past 10 years, and so has Zac. You'd never see current-day Zac giggling while locking arms with these girls.

    2. Or clicking his heels together mid-air.

    3. You wouldn't see today's Zac in hug train with Vanessa and Ashley.

    4. Or posing with Real Housewive's star Lisa Rinna and her family.

    5. You'd never see current Zac dancing with little kids on The Today Show stage.

    6. Or posing with Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong in a billed beanie.

    7. You wouldn't catch Zac hanging out with Amanda Bynes.

    8. Or caught in the middle of a Mickey and Minnie sandwich.

    9. You wouldn't see him getting forcefully kissed on the lips by Paula Abdul.

    10. Or shoving a basketball towards the camera.

    11. ...Make that "posing with a basketball at all."

    12. You wouldn't see 2016 Zac chillin' with Roseanne at an American Idol taping.

    13. Or arm wrestling Tweety at Six Flags.

    14. And you MOST DEFINITELY wouldn't find modern Zac posing for the camera in cargo shorts and flip flops.


    But the best part is, 2016 Zac wouldn't have taken any of these pictures because he had a shirt on in all of them. We'll take this Zac any day.