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    15 Devices From Your Nightmares Masquerading As "Beauty Products"

    We'll stick to coconut oil, thaaanks.

    1. Breast Lift Pads ($323):

    2. Double-Chin Slimmer ($15.50):

    3. Surgery-Free Nose Job Clip ($6.96):

    Chrissy: Greg, stop stealing my chip clips goddamn it.

    Kristin: Here's how you get a surgery-free nose job!
    Step 1: Clip it on your nose
    Step 2: Suffocate
    Step 3: You don't need a nose job anymore

    4. Body Hair Thinner ($37):

    5. Under-Eye Skin Tightener ($104):

    6. Light Energy Pulsation Wrinkle-Reducer Mask ($103.33):

    Kristin: This product literally comes with a VHS INSTRUCTION TAPE, so presumably you have to give it to someone else before 7 days is up or else you die.

    Chrissy: *prays there's no Amazon review from a dude named Michael Myers*

    7. Nose Pore Blocker ($46):

    8. Do-It-Yourself Back Hair Shaver ($34.95):

    9. Jawline-Enhancing Facial Weights ($29.99):

    Kristin: The point of this is to reduce your double chin by...doing some lifts with face weights? I feel like that's like getting thicker hair by enrolling your hair in CrossFit.

    Chrissy: Holy shit, is this model being held hostage? IS THIS A CRY FOR HELP?

    10. Breast Enhancer Massager ($5.79):

    Kristin: How exactly does this make your boobs bigger? By plowing them so that you can plant more boob seeds or something?

    Chrissy: Hot tip: If massaging your boobs made them bigger, the entire planet would have DDDs by now.

    11. Arm Slimming Shaper ($3.47):

    Chrissy: The logic that wearing a random-ass half-sock on your bicep is better than your "unsightly" arm is truly horrifying.

    Kristin: I for one am very seduced by blood pressure measuring cups, Chrissy.

    12. Eye-Whitening Drops ($21.30):

    Kristin: So, do these eye whitening drops also come with a complimentary version of Photoshop?

    Chrissy: Finally, a way to look as dead as I feel inside.

    Kristin: Or at least like an American Girl doll.

    13. Pelvis-Tightening Belt ($43):

    14. Forehead Wrinkle Vacuum ($31):

    15. Beauty Voice Trainer ($59):