The 11 Most Annoying Things To Do At The Swimming Pool

    If you do any of these things, rest assured there is a place in a watery hell reserved just for you.


    10. Floating at the end of the pool talking

    9. Swimming two abreast while talking

    8. Invading lanes

    7. Cannonballs

    6. Doing breadths while others do widths

    5. Peeing

    4. Wearing any kind of plaster/elastoplast

    to whoever loses a band-aid in the shower at the gym and leaves it there: you will die alone, unloved

    — Raymond Sultan (@RaymondSultan) August 15, 2013

    If you have any kind of wound, you shouldn't be near a shared pool. Your plaster will only fall off. It will float around. It's disgusting.

    3. Bringing large amounts of paraphernalia to the pool

    2. Refusing to let people pass at the end of a length

    1. Butterfly. You are officially the worst. EVERYONE hates you. (And no, you don't look like Michael Phelps.)