This Is What Would Happen If Your Co-Workers Acted Like Kanye

    "No one man should have all that power."

    Edgar is the office Yeezus, and nobody can wait until his next email drops!!! Is he brilliant? Is he insane? Is he calculated? Is he completely full of it?

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    After Party / Via BuzzFeed

    During an office announcement that seemingly has nothing to do with him, Edgar KNOWS he needs to insert his opinion.

    When will Edgar's new email drop? Will it be controversial? Will it move us all?

    And how does he think to wear solid-colored T-shirts? Is he a genius?

    His presentations on customer service take things to a whole new level.

    Some say that Edgar's last email was completely off the rails. But others say to look at his emails in context. The art and the individual are two different things.

    After multiple subject line changes and one or two delays, Edgar drops his new email. Some are moved to tears by it. Most of the office agrees that it's completely brilliant.

    To check out more ridiculous, hilarious, and WTF videos, follow After Party on YouTube.