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Dude Eats 20 Year Old Space Jam Gum

Jayme Kilsby is a man on a mission, and that mission is to taste and review the candy of his youth. This is the first episode of the new web series "BAD TASTE with Jayme Kilsby" the first from Dog and Pony Show

Chris Olivieri 8 years ago

Kanye West's Hurricane Zone

"If you survived Hurricane Irene/you'd be in Paris getting effed up too!"

Chris Olivieri 12 years ago

5 Simpsons Tumblr Accounts You Probably Didn’t Know About.

Recently, us DAPS kids have developed a love affair with micro-blogging platform Tumblr. Over the past 20 years or so, we’ve also developed a love affair with The Simpsons (Seasons 3-10). The other day it dawned upon me to combine these two passions. Excited at the possibilities I took to Google hunting for Simpsons themed Tumblr accounts.

Chris Olivieri 12 years ago

Vin Diesel Is A Rap Superstar!

We’ve all had a secret desire to know what it would sound like if Vin Diesel decided to rap. Today, that desire is no longer fantasy.

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago

Meet The Hipster Guido

Natural enemies in the wild, hipsters and guidos have finally combined to create a terrifying superhuman.

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago

10 Photoshop Puns Better Than "Gaddarfield."

The thing that’s clever about this little work of art is that the two names are similar. In other words, it’s punny. As guys who like to shout out semi-witty puns regularly, we decided that we could do better than this travesty. By “better” we mean that we were going to put together a bunch of really cheap photoshops of puns we find funnier than “Gaddarfield”

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago

The Bed Intruder's Identity Is Revealed.

Since July 18th, the date that the infamous bed intruder interview was broadcast on NBC affiliate WAFF-48 News in Huntsville, Antoine Dodson has been searching for his sworn enemy known only as "The Bed Intruder." Here at DAPS we've been working night and day researching the clues left in the video in hopes of finding the true identity of this uninvited bedroom guest. Last week, while watching one of our favorite films we've uncovered some new pivotal evidence that clearly convicts someone of this heinous crime. Now, this film is not for the faint of heart and your perceptions of the assailant will change drastically after seeing the video footage. Viewer discretion is advised. For more information please visit

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago

Five 90’s Cartoon Characters That Could Fix The BP Oil Spill

Because we at DAPS care so much about the recent BP oil spill; we asked ourselves a very important question: “If we were still 7 years old, who would we call upon to assist in the clean-up?” Naturally, every answer would include cartoons, right?. Well, Here are the five 90’s cartoon characters that we feel would be best suited to clean up all of that nasty oil.

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago


While writing a review of the recent Betty White/Mashup, we asked what we could take from it. Obviously the answer was a drinking game!

Chris Olivieri 13 years ago

Presenting Chatroullete Users W/ Themselves

Using Manycam, Carlo Montagnino of thought it may be interesting to present the users he encounters with a video of themselves. He found that there are 2 primary users of chatroullete, those who are looking to "entertain" their "partner" and those who are looking to be "entertained" by their partner. Presenting these users with themselves threw a wrench in their expectations and provided him with some interesting results.

Chris Olivieri 14 years ago


If you can't see the beauty in this video, there is clearly something very very wrong with you. This is the artist defending the clip in the youtube comments: "its only a shity demo and its working its not easy writing the song building the beat thenproducing and editing the clip man but i did and in time ul fine the sound wil rip through ur ear and ace u" two words. ACE. U.

Chris Olivieri 14 years ago

Santa Babies

You've all seen the Manbabies, where fathers and babies have their heads switched up. Here is the XMAS equivalent, SANTA BABIES

Chris Olivieri 14 years ago

Clone High: A Forgotten Masterpiece

Back in November of 2002 a quirky little MTV show took the place of the recently canceled Family Guy in the hearts of thousands of cartoon fans across the globe. The shows premise was simple, “What if all of the greatest men and women in the history of the world were cloned and forced to go to high school together?”. Clone High, followed the exploits of young JFK, Ghandi, Cleopatra and Joan of Are as they went through their awkward stages together, in the early 2000s.

Chris Olivieri 14 years ago

Introducing the Snuggie-Sutra!

You’re snuggie arrives. The novelty that your blanket has sleeves wears off. Natural Progression suggests only one thing, have sex in it.

Chris Olivieri 14 years ago