10 Images You Never Need To Repost To Reddit Again

    It's always annoying when someone posts an image without giving attribution to where they found it, especially when you just saw it on Reddit's front page earlier that day. But even if you found it on Reddit, it probably didn't originate there anyway.

    Seeing a repost from Reddit on BuzzFeed can be mildly annoying.

    The situation brings about some interesting questions like, "why bother going to BuzzFeed when I've already seen it on Reddit?"

    And, "why bother reposting something from Reddit onto BuzzFeed when there's an auto-generated Reddit Top Links feed on BuzzFeed already?"

    Even though we'll openly admit that much of our content on BuzzFeed has been reposted from Reddit, the worst culprits of Reddit reposts are Redditors themselves.

    Without further ado, here are...

    10 Images You Never Need To Repost On Reddit.*

    * This is not a comprehensive list. Chances are, you can think of hundreds of other images that have been reposted far too many times. Feel free to share them in the comments.






    Le titre est assez peu convoité. Marion Seclin est «championne de France de cyber-harcèlement», comme elle l'explique dans une conférence TedX dont la vidéo vient d'être publiée. Elle raconte les attaques en ligne qu'elle subit depuis plus d'un an.

    View this video on YouTube





