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    Fukushima - Images By Rebecca Lilith Bathory

    British photographer Rebecca Lilith Bathory travels to and captures the devastating effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster five years after the horrific incident. In this riveting look at the artist’s work, we see an awe-inspiring video interpretation of some of the scenes she shot. Directed by Chris Lavelle using mapping techniques, the co-collaborator breathes life into Rebecca’s pictures by adding minimalist effects and a sombre soundtrack. The result is an emotionally-charged piece that magnifies the devastation that occurred in this part of the world — we see abandoned homes, unkempt streets, stray pets and shops left in rubble.

    Fukushima - Images By Rebecca Lilith Bathory

    Making the images breathe.

    Rebecca asked me to take her images of Fukushima and create a video. I used mapping techniques to make the images breathe. Every so often someone will ask for a collaboration and you can just feel the passion from that person. Rebecca is such a person. I was delighted to help her in any way i could. I do hope you enjoy.