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What Does The Word "Asian" Mean To You?

"Within the term "Asian" there's so much diversity."

So often people forget the vast umbrella of cultures that the term "Asian" encompasses. So, we asked a few people what being Asian meant to the them, and each answer reminded us that we are all different.

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BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

When asked, what does "Asian" mean to you? Everyone said that it's a part of their identity but is sometimes complicated to explain to others.

People sometimes overlook certain Asian cultures...

...missing the opportunity to learn all that culture has to offer.

Our participants also talked about the stereotypes Asian people face every day…

...and how it negatively affected them.

And when we asked, what makes you proud to be Asian...

...well, it was quite obvious everyone had a lot to be proud of.

Ultimately, everyone was proud to be themselves.