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    Whoever Hands Out Saints' Patronages Has A Sick Sense Of Humour

    Holy Irony, Batman!

    You name it, and there's probably a patron saint for it- countries, cities, jobs, even hobbies, the Church has given one saint the responsibility of fielding those prayers.

    Going on a journey? Then you need St Christopher, patron of travelers.

    Watching football and there's a penalty shootout? Cast your eyes heavenward and ask St Luigi, the patron saint of footballers, to help. I am not making this up.

    But while some of the patron saints are easy to understand- St David was Welsh, St Peter was a fisherman, St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland and St George, um, may have heard of England? Okay, so they don't always make sense.

    But there are a couple where whoever made the call to give them their patronages was having a laugh. A dark, ironic laugh.

    First Up, St Cassian of Imola patron saint of school teachers

    St Elmo, pyrotechnics and intestinal ailments

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    St Sebastian, Archers

    St Bartholomew, tanners

    Pretty twisted, huh?