15 Questions Filipino High School Students Have For American High School Students

    We're all in this together!

    1. Is it a good thing or a bad thing not to have uniforms?

    2. Do you usually start the week with a general assembly?

    3. Why do you need to move to different classrooms?

    4. Don't you want to be in just one section that's probably named after a random trait?

    5. Do you guys have color-coded notebooks?

    6. Why are your lockers so complicated?

    7. In group projects, do you put an asterisk next to a classmate's name when they didn't contribute anything?

    8. Do you have that guitar-playing classmate who turns a class into a gig?

    9. Can detention really be this cool?

    10. Can you really skip class?

    11. What kind of school plays do you have to participate in?

    12. Do you guys really campaign for prom queen and king just like in the movies?

    13. Were you required to be part of a field demo?

    14. Are there assigned cleaners after each class?

    15. What time does school end? Are you excited for dismissal?