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    The 13 Best Things About Having Short Hair

    Are you Team #LongHairDontCare? Well #TeamShortHair cares even LESS. Here are a few of the reasons why short haired girls love the chop.

    1. You have complete freedom from these.

    2. This is your only morning hair routine.

    3. But if you feel like styling it up, your options are fierce!

    4. And look at all the cute hair accessories you can rock!

    5. Get used to seeing this.

    6. And get used to hearing this from strangers.

    7. Summer is way less sweaty.

    8. Your mom will stop saying any of these to you.

    9. This will never happen to you.

    10. Also, some of pop culture's most awesome ladies have rocked a short 'do!

    11. You instantly become more badass, especially when a lame guy tells you to "grow your hair out."

    12. But haters to the left, 'cause you'll be considered bold, trendsetting & endlessly stylish.

    13. And of course, you can totes still rock a #hairflip.