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    Twitter Reacts To The Recent Charlie Sheen News

    There are many mixed feelings all throughout

    Since the recent news of Charlie Sheen admitting to be HIV positive, many took to Twitter to express how they felt about the situation

    Charlie Sheen has HIV. Now I hope he is in treatment, because that is a form of prevention. But do not make that man the face of HIV/AIDS.

    I heard that Charlie Sheen has HIV, with all the horrible things in this world atleast he has something positive to think about...

    Charlie sheen ain't winning no more

    People are hailing Charlie Sheen as if he was unfortunate to get the virus volunteering at a make-shift hospital in an inaccessible jungle.

    Bruce Jenner is NOT "women of the year" and Charlie Sheen is NOT a hero. This world makes me sick! 🙄

    Some did not want to consider this as "news"

    ISIS is a huge threat and Obama is trying to place refugees everywhere, but please tell me more about Charlie Sheen's bad decisions 😑

    Why is Charlie Sheen being praised..... I don't understand.

    However, many other users showed support for the actor

    Charlie Sheen obviously has his problems but disclosing his illness does illuminate the issue for many others without a voice, which is good

    Makes me angry that people are making fun of Charlie Sheen having HIV. There's nothing humorous about HIV.

    charlie sheen obviously attempted to hide his HIV status for as long as possible. the public doesn't have a right to know; his partners do.

    the charlie sheen story or how america sat back and laughed as we watched a man slowly kill himself

    The fact that the media pretty much forced Charlie Sheen to publicly tell his private medical issue with the world is absolutely disgusting.

    But most importantly, some users have used this moment to advocate for knowing your HIV status

    if you haven't taken an HIV test recently & are sexually active you have no right to talk down on Charlie Sheen or anything about HIV

    Instead of condeming Charlie Sheen's HIV status via a tweet, why not contact your local clinic and check yours.

    Find your local HIV testing center here