21 Extraordinary Wedding Traditions From Around The Globe

    Love is universal, but tying the knot is different everywhere.

    1. Releasing doves, Philippines

    At traditional Filipino wedding receptions, the bride and groom release two doves into the air to represent a long, peaceful, and harmonious life together.

    2. Confetti, Italy

    3. Sake-sharing ceremony, Japan

    In the beloved Japanese tradition of san-san-kudo, the bride and groom take three sips each from three flat sake cups, after which their parents do the same, bonding the families together.

    4. Log cutting, Germany

    In Germany, newlyweds must instantly put their bond to the test by working together to saw a log in half in front of all their guests. The act is intended to showcase the bride and groom's ability to work together and face the obstacles that may come throughout their marriage.

    5. Kransekake, Norway

    6. A goose for the bride, Korea

    According to Korean tradition, grooms give their new mother-in-laws wild geese or ducks. The monogamous animals represent the groom's pure intentions and loyalty to his bride. In a more modern reincarnation, brides and grooms exchange wooden geese and ducks on their wedding day as a sign of their commitment.

    7. Blackening, Scotland

    In this Scottish tradition, the bride, groom, or both are taken out on the day before their wedding, plied with alcohol, and covered in treacle, ash, feathers, and flour by friends and family. The celebratory mess was originally carried out to avoid evil spirits and bring good luck.

    8. Ring of flowers, Pakistan

    9. Croquembouche, France

    French weddings often serve a croquembouche, a truly delightfully tower of cream-filled pastry puffed that can be dipped in any number of sweet sauces, as the wedding cake. A croquembouche can be decorated with fruit, nuts, and glazes, and makes a fantastic centrepiece.

    For the wedding reception, there's a less charming tradition: La Soupe, in which leftovers are gathered into a toilet (or toilet-like bowl) from which the bride and groom must eat for good luck.

    10. Stealing the groom's shoes, India

    In a traditional Indian wedding, the bride's sisters play a trick on the groom by stealing his shoes once he enters the wedding tent. The groom must bribe the sisters to return his shoes before he exits.

    11. Black wedding cake, Jamaica

    At weddings, Caribbean countries often serve a dark cake made from dark fruits and rum. The same cake can be served at Christmas, and has a lot in common with a traditional Christmas fruit cake.

    12. Spitting on the bride, Kenya

    In Kenya, as the freshly married bride and groom leave the village, the father of the bride spits on his daughter's head and chest so as not to jinx their good fortune.

    13. Money dance, Poland

    14. Breaking a white bell, Guatemala

    At a Guatemalan wedding reception, the mother of the groom breaks a white bell to welcome the newlyweds to the party. The bell, filled with flour, rice, and grains, is meant to bring luck and prosperity.

    15. Polterabend, Germany

    German hen parties and stag nights grew out of the tradition of Polterabend, in which family and friends smash dishware outside the homes of the upcoming bride and groom on the night before their wedding.

    16. Ransoming the bride, Romania

    17. Bridal sedans and red umbrellas, China

    A traditional Chinese wedding features a full procession, with the bride escorted to the ceremony in a bridal sedan. Red is a powerful colour in Chinese weddings, symbolising boldness, luck, and love. According to tradition, the bride wears a red veil to hide her face, and her mother or attendant holds a red umbrella over the bride's head to encourage fertility and grow her own family.

    18. Henna, India

    19. Two bouquets, Mexico

    20. Carrying fire, South Africa

    In South African tradition, the parents of the bride and groom bring fire from their own fireplaces to the home of the newlyweds. The bride and groom use the flames provided from their childhood homes to ignite the hearth in their new home together.

    21. Unity bowl, Australia