Can You Get Through This Post Without Making This Chocolate Tart?

    Hunger level: 100000000000000000000

    Chocolate. It's a way of life.

    Strawberries. They're nature's gift and basically healthy candy.

    And we all know that when combined, they're practically orgasmic.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say that you honest to God have not lived until you've consumed this entire fucking delicious chocolate and strawberry tart.

    It's actually pretty easy to make and it is OH SO WORTH IT.

    Facebook: video.php

    Here's what you need to make your own:

    For the tart base:

    300 grams chocolate cookies

    100g grams butter, melted

    For the filling:

    250 millilitres double cream

    300 grams dark chocolate

    200 grams strawberries

    For the garnish:

    Chocolate, melted

    White chocolate, melted

    icing sugar

    And here's how you do it:

    1. Blitz the cookies into crumbs using a food processor or by smashing them in a ziplock bag with a rolling pin. Mix in the melted butter.

    2. Pour the biscuit mix into a 9 inch/23cm cake tin lined with greaseproof paper. Freeze for 10 minutes.

    3. Whilst the biscuit mix is setting in the freezer, prepare the filling. Gently heat the double cream and then mix in the chocolate, allowing the warmth of the cream to melt the chocolate.

    4. Pour over the biscuit base and top with the strawberries.

    5. Refrigerate for 3 hours, until set. Drizzle on some melted white and dark chocolate and coat with icing sugar.

    Simple as pie – or should I say, SIMPLE AS TART ;)
