11 Cool Things You Can Buy On Etsy This Week

    Teepee tents, globe lockets, and relatable pins.

    Etsy has over 35 million items on sale, so browsing for cool, new things from small businesses and up-and-coming artists and crafters can be a little overwhelming.

    Lucky for you, I’m here to clue you in on the best things available on the site from week to week.

    From the gorgeously designed to the delightfully weird, Etsy has provided us with a breakdown of this week’s UK crowd favourites, so you can click in and snag them from the comfort of your couch this weekend.

    So, without further ado, here’s what you should be checking out on Etsy for the week of 27 August.

    *drumroll please*

    1. This teepee tent, £35

    2. These velvet chokers, £4.50

    3. This cat/unicorn mug, £10

    4. The world map lockets, £28

    5. This vintage library card phone case, £9.99

    6. This enamel pin, £7

    7. These Scrabble tile patches, £1 each

    8. This DIY dog harness sewing pattern, £6

    "Absolutely Love this pattern! Perfectly written and sized! Thank you! My pup loves her new harness," says this satisfied customer.

    9. These rose gold zodiac necklaces, £12.99

    10. This dog face mug, £9.75

    11. This hip hop print, £10