We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 29 Items Reviewers Claim Are The “Best Thing" They Ever Bought

    Including a pickle fork so you don't have to go digging around in the jar with grubby lil' fingers.

    1. A Squatty Potty designed to unkink your colon and help ya go, you know? In its seven-plus years of existence, the product has racked up more than 37K 5-star reviews from pleased poopers.

    A reviewer's photo of the Squatty Potty set up in their bathroom
    A different reviewer's photo of two people showing off their Squatty Potty

    Promising review: "Best thing I ever bought myself. How much can a person say about a good BM? Everyone should have one, it should be a medical requirement. The joy of the morning and the magic of the Squatty Potty. Brilliant. This number 1 number 2 unit is going to put the fiber supplement business in the crapper. I'm elated and I tell everyone I know. I hope everyone on my Christmas list enjoys getting this bad boy for Christmas. I bought my sister-in-law one for her birthday. She wasn't very happy about it that day. A week later... she can't live without it. Who is the person responsible for this revelation? I could kiss you on the mouth. If you are reading this stop now and buy one or two of these. You won't be sorry. Happy bums and tummies. Happy bums and tummies everyone." —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    2. A pack of clinical-strength SweatBlock wipes capable of stopping hyperhidrosis, nervous sweating, and hormonal sweating right in its tracks. Give your pits a good swipe down before bed and you *won't* wake up in a puddle of your own perspiration!

    hand holding a package of Sweat Block wipes

    Apply it every seven days! This is STRONG so if you have sensitive skin, the manufacturer suggests you do a spot test first.

    Promising review: "One of the best things I have ever spent money on. I'm quite sure I have hyperhydrosis, I've never been diagnosed but I am never not sweating. Cold, hot, day, night, no matter what I sweat 24/7, until the Sweat Block wipes that is! I still sweat a little while using these, but it's barely noticeable compared to when I used to be wet down past my elbows on bad days. It very mildly irritates my armpits but I wonder if that may be because I'm not used to the feeling of dry pits? There is no redness, so that's what makes me think it could be just me being dry for the first time ever. Also, I am always, always cold. But once I started using these wipes I noticed I'm not cold nearly as often. I know sweating is supposed to cool you down, but I had no idea it was playing that much of a role in my body temperature. So the combined benefits of not sweating and being a bit warmer, I don't know what could make this product any better. Also, the scent smells exactly like cloves, which I like the smell of so I consider that a plus." —Jessica R.

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $19.99.

    3. A pair of knit Amazon Essentials jeggings with ~thousands~ of 5-star reviews that almost unanimously state they feel like leggings but look like jeans.

    A reviewer's photo of them wearing the pants in glen plaid
    A reviewer wearing the pants in black

    Promising review: "The best thing I've bought on Amazon! I love everything about these pants! They look just like real jeans but they feel like leggings. They’re super comfortable, too. I’d like to order three more pairs but they’re always sold out! Please, Amazon, restock these." —Maureen

    Get them from Amazon for $20+ (available in women's sizes XS–6XL in short, regular, and long and 17 colors).

    FYI, if you have Amazon Prime, you can give this a spin before you buy it!

    4. A snack fork if your go-to midnight snack isn't peanut butter or Ben and Jerry's, but a crunchy, slippery lil' cornichon that's hard to wrangle with just your fingers.

    person grabbing a pickle with fork from jar
    Reviewer photo of the snack fork attached to a jar of pickles in a fridge

    Promising review: "Love this! Was not sureif it would end up being stuffed in a drawer or a novelty. It’s one of the best things I have purchased in a while. I purchased a second as a gift." —Tammil

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    5. A Wet & Forget weekly cleaner you can spritz on your shower walls and tub after you're done cleaning yourself. Leave it on overnight — no scrubbing necessary — and just wash it off the next time you're in the shower!

    Promising review: "This may be the best thing I have ever bought off of Amazon. And I buy quite a bit. Much of it is what I want, and some of it is what I need. This was something I needed and didn't even know it! Long story short, the tub in my kids' bathroom was atrocious, due to spotty cleaning and hard water. I bought this with a heavy dose of skepticism, even though the reviews were mighty impressive. On the back of the bottle it says that you may need several daily applications before your tub is clean, and then you can switch to weekly application. I'm on day 3, and let me say, even if this stuff worked no further, I AM BLOWN AWAY. The shower looks close to new. A couple of more days, and I'll be able to switch to weekly! I won't post pictures because I'm embarrassed of how bad it looked before. But seriously, I am SO happy to have discovered this product, and I plan to keep on using it." —Tee

    Get it from Amazon for $18.61+ (available in three sizes). 

    6. ChomChom roller ready to put your regular ol' lint roller to shame. Forget ripping off sheets till you run out — this collects everything in a neat little compartment you simply empty out.

    A gif showing how to use the roller to clean your furniture
    A hairy dirty pilowcase
    A now clean case

    Promising review: "I would just like to say that the ChomChom is the best thing we have ever got. I have a Golden Retriever and a Newfoundland. Let me tell you, their hair gets everywhere! I have tried vacuuming and everything and couldn’t get it off till we got the ChomChom. This thing is so great I will definitely keep buying the product if we need more. I definitely suggest trying it if your animal sheds a lot! I definitely suggest trying it! Worth every penny. I don’t usually write reviews but this definitely needed one! You just have to push a little hard and go over a spot a couple of times and it comes up like a charm!" —Logan

    Get it from Amazon for $28.95.

    7. A tub of The Pink Stuff which can clean anything you throw at it be that tires, pots and pans, stove tops, showers, or your 5-year-old's crayon wall mural. 

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "For those who gave less than 5 stars…what were you trying to clean? I had built-up grease on the backsplash behind my stove that I hadn’t noticed, which had probably been there for years. I’ve tried pretty much every product on the market — they didn’t work. This product took that grease off within seconds. That worked so quickly I was so happy I started cleaning other items; stainless sink, oven, microwave. This is the best thing ever – and if they increase their price to $50 I’ll still buy it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE." —RVT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97+ (also available in packs of two and three).

    8. A baroque-inspired mirror — with a gorg gilded frame — if you've long dreamt of owning ***that*** Anthropologie mirror but don't want to take out a second mortgage on your home in order to do so. 

    a reviewer's mirror on a console table
    reviewer's mirror propped up against a couch

    Promising review: "I hopped on the gold ornate mirror trend and spent a long time trying to find one within my budget. I was worried at first because there weren’t any reviews when I first bought this. It looked amazing online and was the perfect size so I went ahead and got it. I am THRILLED with this purchase!!! One of the best things I’ve gotten from Amazon. It’s beautiful and exactly how it looks in the pics. It came four-ish days faster than estimated. It’s perfect for my makeup desk. If there were different sizes of the same mirror I would buy all of them." —McKinlee Mayer

    Get it from Amazon for $128.93+ (available in three sizes and four finishes).

    9. A touchless vacuum you can sweep debris right into. No more song and dance with your dustpan trying to sweep up every last speck of dust.

    a reviewer's black and silver touchless vacuum
    the same reviewer showing how much dust and pet fur they picked up with the touchless vacuum

    Promising review: "I purchased one of these a few weeks ago, and I'm back for a second to place on the other side of the house. I just installed a house full of laminate flooring. No more carpet. The broom becomes your best friend — every day. What's your broom's friend? THESE vacuums. No more bending over and holding the dust pan. The container that holds the dust is huge. It is filtered. I went to empty the bin after about a month's worth of daily use and it wasn't even close to full — barely covered the bottom of the bin. I will continue to empty the bin and wipe it out monthly out of a sense of good use. Honestly, these vacuums are one of the best things I have purchased in a long time. I probably will purchase a couple more and make my life a bit easier in the sweeping department. I chose the white. It is bright white plastic with silver plastic complimentary parts. You set to 'auto' (broom or anything close to the opening will start it) OR set to manual start OR off. Having said all of this, I never hesitate to update my reviews should new info seem useful." —ForeverYoung

    Get it from Amazon for $129 (available in six colors).

    10. Korean exfoliating mitt that scrubs away dead skin and leaves you ready for a biggggg night in of applying your fake tanner. And if that's not your thing — no worries — it also helps unclog pores, prevent ingrown hairs, and eliminate bumps caused by keratosis pilaris. 

    a reviewer photo of the mitt covered in dead skin
    a reviewers leg covered in rolls of dead skin

    Promising review: "Honestly, one of the best things I’ve purchased hands down! I keep seeing things like this on my social media and decided to try it! The amount of DEAD SKIN I scrubbed off while in the shower was so satisfying, yet so disgusting to see how much was on my body!! I literally scrubbed ALL OVER. Like literally my arms, thighs, legs, stomach, neck, back. After scrubbing, I went back washing with body wash and my skin felt so refreshed!! You must buy it!! I do struggle with bumps on my arms, so I really do hope it helps with that." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available individually or as a pair).

    11. MASSIVE 10-foot-by-10-foot throw you and all of your closest friends can cuddle up under when you gather for your annual Friday night Gilmore Girls watch parties. 

    four adults sharing an orange throw blanket on a couch
    Boban Marjanovic using a grey throw

    If you're having a hard time imagining just how big "big" is — this blanket is four times the size of your average throw! And — because this small biz truly gets marketing — that's 7'4" NBA player Boban Marjanovic modeling the gray blanket above. 

    Promising review: "I was nervous that I was overindulging — but I bought it for myself for my birthday and I haven’t bought myself anything in years. Yes, years… I’m not going to lie this is the best thing I have ever bought. EVER. Sooooo worth it if you enjoy a good movie night on the couch." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $169 (available in 15 colors).

    12. A Bissell Little Green carpet cleaner capable of sucking up messes of any caliber. Be warned, though: Reviewers say once you start, you won't stop.

    A reviewer's before and after photo of their couch which was once stained and splotched and is now free of marks after using the machine
    A reviewer's photo of a stuffed shark toy which is half dirty and half clean after using the carpet cleaner

    Promising review: "I wish I had thought to take a before pic. BUT THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER AND WORTH EVERY PENNY. I spilled a cup of liquid chlorophyll and it left a huge green stain and I was so upset because I literally just moved in. I saw a video about this on TikTok, so I had to try it. AND MY STAIN IS COMPLETELY GONE. This machine is easy to set up and use! Only thing I wish it was cordless/rechargeable so I can easily take it to the car. But I can easily just buy an extension cord since I live in an apartment. Homeowners will have an easier time. BUT SERIOUSLY IT IS WORTH IT. Omg." —Lady Nee

    Get it from Amazon for $109.59 (available in two configurations).

    13. nick-free hair remover sure to keep ya smooth as a dolphin without any additional need for shaving, waxing, or epilating. Reviewers who are used to razor burn and ingrown hairs say it's a lifesaver. 

    Promising review: "GAME CHANGER!!! I have blonde/light brown hair and as I’ve gotten older I have random black ones that become infected. I also LOATHE SHAVING because of the pain it creates in my back after a life-threatening motorcycle injury last year. Sometimes my sleep meds cause me to buy things for some reason before I fall asleep 🤣 but this is hands down best purchase ever!!!!!" —Kdoll_RN

    Get it from Amazon for $50

    14. An Amazon Fire TV with hands-free Alexa so if you've already climbed into bed and are SO ready to pick up where you left off in Peaky Blinders, you can simply ask Alexa to open Netflix for you — no remote necessary. 

    a buzzfeeder's Amazon Fire TV opening Hulu by Alexa voice command
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed

    I bought this during Prime Day and boy, I'm happy I did. The voice command (which works like normal Alexa so you can set timers, ask about the weather, etc.) is a dope feature, no doubt, but it also has a lot of other things going for it! The 4K ultra HD is SO crisp — it's legit cinematic — and there's just no beating having the ability to watch more than 1 million movies and TV episodes across all of your favorite streaming platforms. As the reviewer mentions below, setup is also exceptionally easy. You plug it in, log in to your Prime account, and all of your apps are ready and waiting!

    Promising review: "Best thing I have ever bought, awesome picture, integrated with my sound system first time. Well done, Amazon." —Harvey W. Mccallum

    Get it from Amazon for $338.34+ (available in five sizes).

    15. collagen-coating hair protein treatment that'll run you just $7 bucks but reviewers claim it delivers results as impressive as another brand that may or may not rhyme with ~PolaFlex.~ 

    The collagen protein treatment in its container
    The writer's hair before and after two uses
    Bek O' Connell / Via www.buzzfeed.com

    Promising review: "Well hot dang, this is the best thing I have ever purchased on Amazon. My hair has always been dry and quite poofy. Jesus has shown favor on this product and I am delighted." —Courtney

    Get it from Amazon for $7.75.

    Former BuzzFeed Editor Bek O' Connell has this and loves it! Check out her full Elizavecca Protein Hair Treatment review for more info. 

    16. A pair of fleece-lined joggers you'll literally only take off to wash. Might as well buy two or three pairs now because once you slip these babies on, there's no going back to normal pants.

    a reviewer showing the interior sherpa lining
    the same reviewer wearing the pants in grey

    Promising review: "I'm taking a trip up north and wanted to make sure I was warm. These are honestly the best thing I've ever bought!! They are super soft and insulating on the inside. I bought a medium because I didn't know what to expect. They fit but are slightly baggy which is fine because they are super comfortable. Will definitely be buying more in the future!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon $38.99 (available in women's sizes XS–XXL and in 12 colors). 

    17. An angled dry-erase desktop whiteboard where you can jot down notes or play a game of M.A.S.H. while you're half-paying attention to an all-hands meeting.

    Promising review: "Best thing I have bought for my desk. I had Post-it Notes all over the bottom of my monitors. They kept falling off and the writing faded. Now everything is nice a neat." —Katherine J. Kody

    Get it from Amazon for $26.39+ (available in five colors).

    18. A pillow-top mattress pad that you can sink into like you're in a slo-mo mattress commercial. Just don't go trying to balance a glass of red wine on it, OK?

    A reviewer's photo which shows the loft of the mattress topper
    A reviewer showing how squishy the mattress topper is by pressing down on it

    The breathable, deep-pocket topper hugs your mattress like a fitted sheet, so you don't have to worry about it popping off in the middle of the night. Plus — major plus — it's machine washable, so you don't have to drag it to the dry cleaners.

    Promising review: "This is the best thing I've purchased in a long time. We have a good mattress, but it's getting a little old. I used to get a good night's sleep, but haven't in a while. Same with my husband. He has even taken to sleeping on the couch rather than the bed. I read the reviews, but I'm always skeptical as to who wrote them. So, when I say I slept like a baby. I slept like a baby!! My husband, who always gets up early, actually slept till 8:00 a.m. That is definitely not like him. If you need just a little something for your bed this is it!" —Gail Salazar

    Get it from Amazon for $74.99+ (available in sizes Twin–California King and in two colors).

    19. An as-seen-on-Shark-Tank seat gap filler you can pop in your center console to ensure you never drop another french fry, phone, or credit card into that evil little crevice!!! 

    the black seat gap filler
    a model installing the gap filler

    Check it out on TikTok here

    Promising review: "Maybe this is a little dramatic but I’ve purchased this item a handful of times at this point. I absolutely love these things. Cell phones, change, wallets, whatever else, none of it will fall through the crack into the abyss. It’s so simple and so smart. People I have gifted these to have loved them. I’m not kidding, these are one of the best things I’ve ever purchased on Amazon (and I order everything on Amazon)." —gavmad

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $24.99.

    20. liquid callus remover to eliminate the hard skin on your hooves (ahem, :::clears throat::: feet) if you're too terrified to face the glorified cheese grater at your local salon. 

    Promising review: "BEST THING I'VE EVER BOUGHT. I’ve spent so much money on foot creams, lotions, and foot scrubbers over the years. Like for legit 10 years now I’ve had cracked heels. My feet are always dry and my heels get so bad that they crack and bleed. I’ve tried so many things that I honestly just believed I’d always have cracked heels forever. After reading all the reviews... even the scary ones that made me almost not want to buy it... I thought I’d give it a chance. I followed the directions exactly, and used gloves along with only leaving the gel on for no more than 5 minutes. I think I could’ve probably left the gel on for a little longer because of how bad my heels are, so I’ll do it again tomorrow, but already they look like brand new feet!! The kind of feet I thought I’d never have! So, I’m incredibly impressed and so excited!" —Heather Nelson

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    21. Some sheet fasteners which are basically like suspenders for your mattress, because nothing ruins a morning like having the corner of your fitted sheet pop off as you roll over.

    A white three way adjustable fastener hooked to a fitted sheet to pin it under a mattress
    a reviewer holding one of the clips

    See them on TikTok here

    Promising review: "I LOVE these!!!! I toss and turn in my bed all night, and I also have a mattress topper, so my sheets always came off the corners. I’ve had these for about a month and my sheets haven’t moved an INCH!! One of the best things I’ve ever bought on Amazon, seriously. It’s definitely a first world problem, but to not have to fix my sheets every morning is the absolute highlight of my day!! Such a bargain at the price too! Easy installation! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE!!!" —Amy

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $8.95+ (available in two sizes and three colors). 

    22. A set of magnetic air fryer cheat sheets you can affix to your fridge and then quickly crosscheck when you're in the middle of making chicken fingers. That way, you don't have to wash all the eggs and bread crumbs off your hands and fumble with your phone to pull up Google.

    a reviewer photo of an air fryer with the smaller magnetic cheat sheet on it
    a reviewer photo of the larger magnetic cheat sheet mounted on the fridge

    The set comes with two different-size magnets. See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "Probably the best thing I've ordered for our new home! It's magnetized so it sticks right to the fridge, right next to our air fryer. Super handy and quality made. Fast shipping!" —Ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in black and Spanish language as well as in a bundle).

    23. A pack of Scrubbing Bubbles gel stamps that gradually dissolve with each flush to keep lime scale and toilet rings to a minimum because the less you have to manually scrub your porcelain throne — the better. 

    Model stamping the gel to the inside of a toilet and flushing

    Promising review: "It might sound silly, but this is the best thing I've purchased in ages." —will bryan

    Get a pack of 12 gel stamps and a dispenser from Amazon for $16.49.

    24. An adjustable workstation bike if you prefer to get 💰paid💰 while burning calories. Prop your laptop up on the desk, maybe even turn on some Netflix in the background, and go ahead and start spinning.

    A reviewer's photo of the white stationary desk bike
    a reviewer using a laptop on their white workstation bike

    The quiet and compact stationary bike weighs just 51 pounds and is easy to move around thanks to four wheels. The desktop also has ample room for not only your laptop, but a drink, notebook, or whatever else you need close at hand.

    Promising review: "This is the best thing I have ever bought. I started working from home and immediately had back pain from hunching at a table all day. I set up the bike this morning in three minutes, and one hour later had done 12 miles while sitting on a conference call. So easy to set up and going to change my life. I'm amazed. What an awesome invention. Thank you!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $499.99+ (available in two colors).

    25. A Roomba i7+ so smart, it empties itself and sends you a report of what exactly it cleaned! No more spending your Sundays cleaning every square inch of your home! Now, you can sit back and watch this gadget do all of the work.

    A reviewer's photo of the vacuum docked on its station
    A reviewer holding up the vacuum's brush rolls

    The i7 packs a three-stage cleaning system and 10x suction into its tiny body and that's not even the best part. Once it fills up on pet hair, dust, dirt, and chip crumbs, it'll drive itself to its base and empty itself before heading back out for seconds! Plus, depending on how often you use it, you can go 60 or so days before having to manually empty it. With Smart Mapping, the Roomba also knows every inch of your house. So, if your cat decides to go ham on a houseplant and get leaves all over the place, you can tell it (via the app or your smart home hub) "Roomba, clean the living room."

    Promising review: "I am ready for the robot revolution. Based on how well this Roomba i7+ works, I am totally ready for it to take over our lives and displace us. It does a much better job at keeping my floors clean than I ever could. Great on hardwoods and decent on carpets. No problem with battery life out of the box, does about 600 square feet of hardwood and uses only 30 to 50% battery life. Even if it does run low, it will go back and recharge itself and continue later by itself. My favorite part is the self-mapping. This is the best mapping robot I've ever seen and the reason I bought this. It definitely changed the game and lets me target high-traffic rooms for the daily clean and low traffic rooms for a weekly clean. The app is also quite nice and easy to use. Cons: My only complaint is the the i7+ took one huge step backwards and requires single-use disposable bags. That being said, my Roomba has been running daily now for three weeks and the bag is only three-quarter full, so I expect to replace one bag a month. I don't have any pet hair to pick up, but I do have two messy kids so you can estimate the mess level from that. All that being said, this was my best purchase ever. I love my i7+ — it's completely worth it." —George

    Get it from Amazon for $459.99.

    26. A padded tank that 1) looks incredibly cute and 2) eliminates the need for a bra. If the pandemic has taught me anything about myself, it's that #2 is my new way of life.

    a reviewer wearing the top in white
    a different reviewer wearing the top in blue

    Check out this activewear essential on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "This is hands down the best product I’ve bought off of Amazon. It definitely exceeded my expectations. It’s so soft and doesn’t scrunch up in your boob pit or cause irritation. And the padding doesn’t shift and I feel fully supported wearing this! I’ve worn it to work out in, even for high-intensity workouts (I do only have B cups, though), and even just wear it out as a crop top. The only negative I have to say that is if you’re in between sizes, I would size up as sizing might be tricky for some people." —Sarah Chadwick

    Get it from Amazon for $18.69+ (available in women's sizes S–XXL and 20 colors).

    27. A convenient steering wheel tray/desk if your "lunch break" is often squeezed between errands like picking up kids from school (or pups from doggy daycare) and running to the grocery store. 

    a reviewer using the tray to hold their lunch
    the empty tray in a different reviewer's car

    I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but *please* do not try to use this while driving. It will not work.

    Promising review: "Buying this might be the best thing I've done in years! When I have tried to get some work done in the car before having this, I would have to twist myself around and still couldn't see the screen very well. Now, using the hotspot on my phone for Wi-Fi I can work no matter where I am. It's made a real difference in how much I can get done during the day. This attaches perfectly to my steering wheel and holds up my 15.6" laptop with no problems at all. I LOVE it!" —Tosha S. Lamar

    Get it from Amazon for $10.96 (available in two sizes and colors).

    28. NodPod — a weighted sleep mask that offers gentle, evenly distributed pressure and a light- and sound-blocking experience so you can feel like you're in a sensory deprivation tank minus the water and $10,000 upfront cost. 

    a model wearing the purple sleep mask

    Nodpod is a woman-founded small business that specializes in these sleep masks. 

    Promising review: "The best thing I ever bought!!! This NodPod is most amazing. It’s soft, but weighted just enough to make it stay in place while you fall asleep. There’s no band that goes around the head, so it’s less constricted. It’s great for those who work the graveyard shift and need to sleep when it’s still light and sunny. I would recommend this to everyone!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $34 (available in 10 colors).

    29. And a pair of prism spectacles if you have a boatload of work to get done but just don't see yourself sitting upright today...

    the black prism glasses

    Promising review: "These are 100% guaranteed to make you look like an idiot. HOWEVER, lie down in bed and watch TV with them for a bit and they will change your life. Bye bye, neck cramping and having to prop yourself up! Works so good, and a very clear image, too. There are real prisms in these, so there's a little bit of weight to 'em. Not a big deal when your heads on the pillow! 😀 All in all, this might just be the best thing I've ever bought on Amazon. WORTH EVERY PENNY. Get a pair! Do it now!" —Bruce

    Get them from Amazon for $14.88.

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

    illustrated gift guide