

I'm Chelsea. I'm a Senior at NHS, and I'm awesome. I love computers. I'm a total nerd at heart, although you'd never know it by looking at me. Music is everything, I couldn't live with out it. I was born in Florida, and I adore beaches. Parties, late nights and watching the sun rise are my life. I love the stars. I'm completely spontaneous and outgoing, along with being brutally honest. I can make anyone laugh, its a fact. I'm just about as unique as it gets. I love tattoos and piercings. I hate schedules and anything routine, every day has to be something different. I've been through a lot, more than most people. But I learn from everything that happens to me. My best friend is Ali Chase, shes more of a sister. My boyfriends name is Tanner Hart, and hes more amazing than he'll ever know. They're probably my two favorite people in the world, and have saved me on too many occasions. Lastly, I don't intend on ever becoming middle-aged. (:

Jul 2010
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