11 People You Dated In Your Twenties

    One thing they all have in common: They all make you wonder, What are you even doing with your life??

    1. The one you dated solely for their dog(s).

    2. The one obsessed with getting swole.

    3. The one who couldn't get his shit together but you loved him anyway.

    The activist.

    4. The one who was just dating his phone.

    5. The sexter.

    6. The mama's boy who refused to learn to do his own laundry.

    7. The soulful musician.

    8. The one-night stand you don't want to talk about.

    9. The coffee snob who won't stop talking about the coffee from when she studied abroad in "Barthelona."

    10. The existentialist.

    All characters in this post are from the satirical children's book What Are We Even Doing With Our Lives? out Aug. 8!

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