15 Dating Faux PaWs, As Told By Animals

    First dates are nerve-racking even for animals. Here are some tips on what NOT to do to help you get through it.

    1. Never, ever, under any circumstance, have your mom drop you off.

    2. Don't remind your date every second how well you did on the SAT's.

    3. Try not to smother your date with affection.

    4. Hold off on bringing up extreme politics; it may make him do this:

    He may want to do this if you do:

    And you both will be stuck just having to grin and bear it like this:

    5. Don't bring up your ex.

    6. Don't be an ass to the waiter.

    7. Don't stare at her boobs.

    8. There is such thing as "too drunk" on a first date.

    9. Just order dessert if you want it.

    10. No onions.

    11. Try not to laugh hysterically at your own jokes.

    12. Don't propose marriage right off the bat.

    13. Don't stare at him blankly every time there is a lull in the conversation.

    14. Don't spend the whole time on your phone.

    15. Lastly, take a deep breath! He's probably just as nervous as you are.

    Even unlikely pairs can fall in love.

    So there's hope for all of us, even this jerk of a penguin.