35 Most Adorable Moments In Pug History

    They have changed the world, one pug print at a time.

    1. May 1272, the first pug is pronounced King.

    2. The First Pug Baby Meet-up of 1400

    3. The Refusal to Get of Bed Protest of 1492.

    4. The First Robot Pug is born, 1601.

    5. 1789: Pug invents overalls, keeps them a secret for roughly 100 years.

    6. The Great Pug Nap of 1790

    7. Pug pooed in a shoe, got away with it, 1892

    8. 1890, Pug Militia created.

    9. The First Pug Surf Championship of 1900.

    10. The Slow Pugnapping of 1912

    11. The Great Thanksgiving Feast of 1927.

    12. The Great Pug Dance of 1945

    13. 1951, Pug Hug is invented

    14. First same-sex pug couple takes photograph, 1952

    15. Pug Rebellion, 1962

    16. The Great Mosh Pit of 1972

    17. Lobster Fest, 1977

    18. First Silent Disco, 1980

    19. First pug adopts a kitten, 1983

    20. 1985 Puggy Smalls releases his first track, "Pugster's Paradise"

    21. First pug becomes a detective, 1988

    22. The epic "Rock, Paper, Scissors" battle of 1987.

    23. Pug Attack, 1990

    24. 1991, The Great Pug Conspiracy Begins

    25. The 1994 Olympugs

    26. The Great Pug Protest of 1998

    27. 2004, first pug millionaire

    28. The Great Pug Hideout of 2006

    29. Pug Dance Party, 2009

    30. The Great Pug Stair climb, 2010

    31. 2011: Pug protests the Royal Wedding

    32. The Great Vaseline Explosion of 2011

    33. 2012, this pug made friends with this corgi.

    34. 2013, Norm the pug figures out how to take a selfie.

    35. 2013, Pug wins $25,000 in costume contest.

    Projected 2013: Pug wins the NY marathon.