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    10 Ways To Make A Bigger Splash In Your Next Protest

    You say you want a revolution, well... be inspired by these creative, playful tactics from Beautiful Trouble: Toolbox for Revolution. As Dr. King once said, "Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”

    1. Advanced Leafleting

    2. Banner Hang

    3. Creative Disruption

    If a war criminal like Dick Cheney or a corporate criminal like former BP CEO Tony Hayward comes to town, what’s the best way to challenge the spin they’ll put on their misdeeds? You could wait in line for Q&A, or.... Skip the dialogue and go straight to disruption. Remember: the audience is likely on their side, so do your message some justice and shut down or seriously disrupt the event, in a thoughtful and memorable way. Consider carrying a sign or a banner to communicate your message, or try interrupting with a song. And don't forget a film crew - these stunts are totally meme worthy.

    4. Blockade

    5. Flashmob

    Eric Preston / Via

    This participatory performance art has been harnessed by activists to create spontaneous mass actions on short notice. The overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt involved flash-mob-like tactics, with organizers calling for protesters to gather initially in alleys and other protected spaces for safety before moving into the streets in larger and larger numbers. In DC, activists took on the asinine rule that there was no dancing in the Jefferson Memorial by organizing a dance-in flashmob. Needless to say, Emma Goldman would be all over this tactic.

    6. Guerrilla Projection

    7. Human Banner

    8. Light Brigade

    9. Media Jacking

    Your opponent probably has a much bigger PR budget and name-brand draw to attract press to cover their events. Use that to your advantage. A well-planned creative intervention can not only commandeer media attention, but can flip the event on its head entirely.

    Take it to the next level: Consider what a hoax may do to further detract from your target's narrative.

    10. Trek