18 Moments Absolutely Everyone's Experienced In Class

    A lot can happen before the last bell rings.

    1. Trying to maintain order:

    2. Losing focus:

    3. Being called on and unprepared:

    4. Being called on and fully prepared:

    5. Being the best student:

    6. Trying to disappear:

    7. Trying not to die:

    8. Waiting desperately for lunch:

    9. Stirring up trouble:

    10. Having class with your BFF:

    11. Having class with 2 BFFs:

    12. Dealing with their antics:

    13. And dealing with that one kid:

    14. Resting your eyes:

    15. Picking up on the signs:

    16. Losing your temper:

    17. Trying to make sense of things:

    18. Being beyond ready to leave: