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    18 Reasons Why Pod Is The Most Underrated Character On Game Of Thrones

    "There has never lived a more loyal squire."

    1. Pod basically saved Tyrion in the Battle of Blackwater

    2. He is played by Daniel Portman who is actually babin' in real life

    3. His face when he started squiring for Brienne is beyond adorable

    4. He was a part of one of the greatest squads in GOT history

    5. He's one of the greatest lovers in Westeros

    6. He's been through a lot

    7. He can't ride a horse but thats ok

    8. He is very discrete

    9. He can't cook but at least he tried

    10. He knows how to schmooze the ladies off and on screen

    11. He has an amazing friendship with Brienne (even is she doesn't see it)

    12. They stick together through thick and thin

    13. He really respects her

    14. And together they know how to throw some serious shade

    15. There are a lot of similarities between Pod and Gendry, leaving Pod to be an excellent substitute in Gendry's absence

    16. He is from a very important house and is also cousins to the guy who did this

    17. He is good friends with Finn Jones resulting in this amazing image

    18. He knows what to say and what not to say but sometimes says too much