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    10 Shameless Joys That Can Turn Your Day Around

    Because weekdays suck.

    1. When you Instagram a picture and the likes surpass the amount of minutes since you posted.

    2. You order double meat at Chipotle and the cashier forgets to charge you.

    3. "National (insert unhealthy food) Day", because it's a holiday and it would be un-American to not celebrate.

    4. Basically anything food related, because food=happiness.

    5. Your roommate tells you they won't be home until late, which obviously translates to a no-pants affair party of one.

    6. When a cheesy 90's song plays on your shuffle and you can't help but bust a move.

    7. Free time to browse everything besides work when your boss is out of the office.

    8. Getting a seat on the subway during rush hour #blessed.

    9. Texts from your ex.

    10. Reading a Buzzfeed post that just "gets you".