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    The Tired Mamma's Guide To Being A Mombie...

    10 real life 'mombie' moments of parenting. Yup, months of sleepless nights can do strange things to a person...

    1. Put pill in your hand to give to dog. Forget what you're doing and almost swallow it yourself...

    2. Go downstairs and close all the blinds because, duh, it's nighttime and getting dark. Husband seems confused. He just opened them because it's actually morning...

    3. Have I showered today? I think I went to the bathroom to shower? I can't remember. I better check if the towels are wet... Nope, forgot to shower.

    4. Pour balsamic vinegar into a piping hot frying pan instead of olive oil. Freak out, shove it in sink, melting some tupperware in the process. House smells of eau de vinegar with a hint of melted plastic...

    5. Why is there never a burp cloth within reach when my baby spits up on me??? At the end of the day discover three I stowed in my bra absentmindedly...

    6. I recognize the handwriting on these letters... Wait, is that MY handwriting? Oh. The mailman has returned a pile of envelopes because I put them in the mailbox WITHOUT stamps.

    7. Get dressed, hand bubba to babysitter in a flap and do make-up in car while bickering with husband about being late again. Run to wedding ceremony. Turn up 24 hours EARLY.

    8. Put laundry in machine to wash. Forget laundry. Put laundry on again to wash. Forget laundry. And repeat...

    9. Find yourself singing lullabies to the dog in an attempt to stop him crying as you bath him. Wait a minute it's the dog...

    10. Put baby's clothes on inside out and scratch mittens on as socks. Oh well, he's dressed!