16 Batshit Scottish Things That Confuse The Fuck Out Of New Zealanders

    Kiwis visiting Scotland find some things find pretty fucking weird tbh.

    1. Are your weird cows in fact running the country?

    2. And what have they done with all your sheep?

    3. Why the year-round wellies? Is it something about Glastonbury?

    4. How did you manage to invent everything in the world?

    5. Yet you can't quite grasp the concept of a milkshake?

    6. Why are y'all so fanatical about Irn-Bru?

    7. And why haven't you erected a giant, majestic monument to your favourite beverage?

    Too #cool for school in front of the L&P bottle yesterday... #Paeroa

    L&P is like lemonade, but SO MUCH BETTER. Under NZ law, everyone must make a pilgrimage to have their photo taken beneath the giant L&P bottle in Paeroa at least once in their lifetime. People of Scotland, where's your commitment? Where's your pride? Where's the massive 'bru can standing atop Calton Hill?

    8. No offence, but why is Scottish cuisine so unhealthy?

    9. Your place names are pretty much the same as ours, which really throws us when we first arrive.

    10. And your accent is seriously hard to fathom.

    11. And tbf our accent gives us a bit of trouble too.

    12. Why is your piupiu made of swandri, bro?

    13. And why is the world obsessed with what's underneath it?

    14. Why do you venerate films shot in Scotland?

    15. Why are Scottish folk so ridiculously nice?

    16. Actually come to think of it, despite your baffling quirks we definitely wouldn't have you any other way.

    Plus I guess we're a kind of a weird bunch, too.