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    3 Ways You Can Get A Different Touch To Your Oatmeal Recipes

    It is general knowledge how hard it is keep power breakfasts exciting and welcoming. Oatmeal is a prototypical example of power breakfast that can be hard to enjoy.

    It is general knowledge how hard it is keep power breakfasts exciting and welcoming. Oatmeal is a prototypical example of power breakfast that can be hard to enjoy. But do you know that oatmeal is a very great breakfast that is plays an important role in the daily healthy growth of active individuals with the potential of savoring your taste buds?

    Basically, oats are meal that have extensive nutritional benefits ranging from their high beta-glucan content which when consumed regularly can help in the reduction of LDL (bad) cholesterol and in turn with improve the heart's health and blood sugar to the great dosage of magnesium that they contain. A critical requirement for energy production is magnesium and a deficiency of this mineral will adversely affect the body disabling it from effectively utilizing calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K. Also, oats provide a high amount of fiber which helps to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and maintain the digestive tract in good shape.

    Now, you may begin to wonder….. What type of oat is the best for me to eat? Be calm and take your time to read on.

    Whole oat kernels take about an hour to prepare and it is rarely eaten in its unprocessed form. The processing of whole oat kernels into smaller pieces results in making the oatmeal cook faster. Mainly, there are three types of oats available at the market, Steel-Cut Oats, Rolled Oats, and Instant Oats. The steel-cut oats are the least processed among the three and require about 20 minutes to cook having a slightly lower glycemic index. Rolled oats, which is the most commonly eaten oatmeal requires just about 10 minutes of cooking and metabolizes faster than steel-cut oats producing porridge like texture when finished. Instant oats on the other hand require just little hot water and a quick stir to prepare. The downside to instant cooking is how they drastically increase blood sugar level and its stubbornness to accepting flavors from other ingredients into the final products.

    You are now aware of how important oatmeal is if you want to really keep fit but you are not sure of how to prepare it to make it irresistible. Check out these three amazing ways to prepare your healthy oatmeal recipes and try them out at home.

    * Add Milk: The addition of dairy milk or any other alternative will greatly improve the texture of the oatmeal giving it that creamy feel. The milk would also provide protein as oats provide only a small amount of incomplete protein. Try cow's milk, goat's milk, soy milk, almond milk, hemp milk while remembering to use a bit less water so that the consistency doesn't get too thin.

    * Mix in Some Spice: Adding a little spice to your oatmeal will improve the flavor. You can start with a little and increase bit by bit until you get just the flavor you want.

    * Add some Fruits: Settling for some standard dried apples or raisins that come with instant oatmeal could be good or you could explore and add fresh fruits in its early cooking stage so as to infuse its flavor into the oatmeal. You would also be providing the oatmeal with additional vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients when you go for fruits like bananas, pineapples, berries, plums, pears, figs, etc.