
Charles F.

Nov 2009
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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on "Star Wars" Female Fighter Pilots Cut From Final Films

    those aliens could be female.


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    that video game however. is down right disgusting and i have no idea how something like that would be passed into the general public.


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    It actually has a lot to do with if it is on purpose or not. Racism is the hatred/intolerance of another race or that the idea of your race is better than another’s. In no way are these videos showing that. If anything they are highlighting beautiful aspects of Native Americans.… 


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    So you are telling me that you believe everyone in the film industry is racist? Wow thats intense. you can't just lump everyone together like that. It is rude and insensitive just like how you are basically telling me that these people in the video are being rude and insensitive.… 


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    Are you speaking for your family when you say that "we" have been complaining about these insensitive outfits for years? Because I am just going to throw this out there but when someone tries to speak for every tribe/nation it is rude and insensitive. I was reading and there is a… 


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    Black face was used to purposely degrate afircan americans. How is this pruposely trying to degrate Native Americans? I am sorry I just dont see these people trying to shit on anyone or hurt anyone. If anything it sounds like most of the people on here are looking for a fight and… 


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    The image itself is stupid. who is to say that the women wearing the headress had ancestors who killed Native Americans? Its rude to assume such a thing.


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    in no way was he speaking on behalf of all native americans. He is just stating what he thinks and how he might have a better understanding seeing as he is part native american. and its RUDE AS FUCK as you put it to dismiss him.


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    how is it racist to wear head feather and pretend to be something you are not? We might as well say that all actors are racist then... it is however racist to degrate a culture on purpose while pretending to be them.


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  • Charles F.'s avatar

    Charles F. commented on Native American Fashion/Racism Is So In This Year

    Courtneynatch - it only makes you shockingly dumb to call someone the same thing. She has some points there. it is rude to diregard all aspects of her argument just to pull out one thing she said and to blast her for it. Zombiegirl12- Firs I wanted to say that it is rude to say skinny… 


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