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    7 Career Options For Girls That Will Make Mysoginists Flip Every Table

    Because girls can do stuff too.

    The A to Z Guide to Jobs for Girls is an alphabet book for toddlers featuring what some might consider non-traditional, or even controversial career options for women.

    So yeah, teaching girls they can be firefighters is controversial, why?

    Pretty sure girls can crunch chords just as hard as any guy, so what's the problem?

    Girls can kick butt just like any man. Besides, crane kicks come natural to girls.

    Quarterback. That's right, haters. If that gets you riled up go write an angry blog about it.

    Hey, girls can sling ink just as well as any man.

    Because men aren't the only ones who can gain weight and make bad calls.

    If Mae Young can go through a table in the middle of the ring in her 70s, then I think that proves that girls are tough enough to enter the squared circle.

    If you like the idea of teaching girls right from the start that they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up, you should definitely support this Kickstarter. It's going on right now.