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    The 2015 Argentine Elections As Told By A Study Abroad Student

    Ciao Cristina

    After a semester of studying, the elections are finally here!

    You're just glad you can get hyped up without worrying about the fate of your own country

    You turn on the TV to watch as the votes start being counted

    But then you see that the news isn't reporting any results

    So you switch to another channel because maybe that first one was a fluke

    And after flipping through every news network on Argentine TV, you must come to accept that results are not getting reported any time soon

    Instead of results, each station just gives a guess for first, second, and third place

    So you decide to settle on the station that supports your candidate

    You're watching all of the coverage of the candidates' speeches and you notice that they're all talking about triumph and victory as if they've already won

    All the candidates, that is, except Aníbal Fernandez, the one with the mustache who is nowhere to be seen

    But you suppose with a name like Aníbal, you wouldn't have much faith in your career in public office either

    But forget Aníbal, where's Cristina?

    "If I don't think about it, maybe it will all go away."

    At this point in the night, you're really starting to doubt that any results are ever going to be released

    But at least the media is getting worked up too

    And then at last a glorious computer screen appears on the TV and it's the crude first footage of the results!

    So you get really close to the screen and polling number one is Macri

    You remember that your host mom was getting ready for bed so you call her back into the kitchen

    And you just can't stop smiling because there's almost definitely going to be a ballotage

    Now the results are slowly streaming in and you can't stop watching the TV

    Besides, you're too caught up in the excitement of the Cambiemos dance party to feel tired anymore

    And while you're watching everyone's dance moves, you also realize how beautiful they all are

    That's when you take a look at the Scioli bunker

    You feel a little bad for laughing at how quickly everyone cleared out

    But then the tired, defeated faces remind you that you're a bit sleepy as well

    So you finally go to bed, anxious to see the results the next morning

    You wake up the next morning at the first alarm and rush to the TV

    And when you turn it on, you breathe a big sigh of relief, and smile a big smile because you get to do this all again on November 22 for the Ballotage