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    How To Cope With The News That Parks And Rec Is Ending

    This might be the saddest thing to happen since Li'l Sebastian left us...

    This weekend NBC officially announced that the upcoming season of Parks and Recreation will be its last. Although we knew it was going to happen eventually, it doesn't mean that we could prepare ourselves for the heartache that the loss of our favorite Pawnee citizens will cause us (I'm still recovering from Anne and Chris moving away).

    First, calm yourself down by eating breakfast food. Mainly waffles.

    But also all the bacon and eggs.

    After that, play "5,000 Candles In The Wind" on repeat until it hurts a little less.

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    An additional step could be to drink some Snake Juice but technically I can't endorse that because it is most likely dangerous. So drink something safer instead!

    Hopefully now you have reached the stage of acceptance. It's true. Parks and Rec is ending. But at least we have Netflix (unless they keep raising their prices amirite?!)

    Life will never be the same once we no longer have weekly time with everyone in Pawnee. I will miss Perd stating the obvious, Joan Callamezzo dealing with her "allergies," Pawnee being morbidly obese, Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa being terrible but hilarious human beings, Tom's swagger, Donna's class, Jerry's beautiful family, Ben's nerdiness, April's deadpans, Andy's stupidity that is genius at the same time, Ron's advice, Leslie's thoughtfulness, and all the other elements of this show that never fails to make me laugh. Plus I think Ron Swanson might also be my ethical mentor so who knows what'll happen without his guidance. But I like to believe that, like Hogwarts, Pawnee will always be there to welcome you home.