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    28 Fun Facts About The Solar System

    enjoy eighth grade earth science astronomers :)

    1. The sun is a star!

    2. The sun is made of gas!

    3. The sun's core is 15 million degrees Celsius!

    4. The sun's core is made of very dense gas!

    5. The sun is a medium sized star!

    6. The closest star to earth in our solar system is the sun!

    7. More than 99% of the mass in our solar system is the sun!

    8. Sunspots are spots on the sun that are cooler than the surrounding areas!

    9. A nebula is a cloud of gas and dust where stars form!

    10. There are eight planets!

    11. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune!

    12. The two regions of the solar system are the inner planets and the outer planets!

    13. The four inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars!

    14. The four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune!

    15. The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets!

    16. Planets orbit around the sun!

    17. The planets orbit in the shape of an ellipse!

    18. An ellipse is shaped like a flattened circle or oval!

    19. The sun's gravitational pull causes the planets to orbit around it!

    20. Scientists calculate distance in our solar system by using astronomical units (AU)!

    21. An astronomical unit is earth's average distance from the sun!

    22. Some other objects in the solar system are moons, asteroids, and comets!

    23. A comet is a space object that produces a cloud of material!

    24. Asteroids are small, rocky bodies that orbit close to the sun!

    25. A meteor is a brief streaks of light seen in the night sky!

    26. A meteorite is a space object that reaches the Earth’s surface!


    28. Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet!