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    17 Feelings Every Babysitters Knows

    When you babysit you feel the love...or hate.

    1. When you arrive at a regulars' house

    2. When you arrive a new place

    3. Making dinner to impress both parents and kids

    4. Putting the baby to sleep

    5. When they've finally GONE to sleep

    6. When the kid wants his mom

    7. Once they're all asleep

    8. Or to make a good impression (aka the tip of a life time)

    9. And when the oldest is really helpful

    10. But when they are evil...

    11. I have mixed feeling about babies

    12. They're either so sweet

    13. Or their evil

    14. But they compliment you more than anyone else

    15. Or they tell it like it is...

    16. But it's all good

    17. Cuz when the parents get home