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    13 Things That Give Away Your Mormon

    Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, are little different than most people. We all know the struggle of a small answer indicating that you're mormon and the whole barrage of "do you have 50 wives? 50 kids?" comes. Oh, and from then on you're from Salt Lake.

    1. I can't do Sunday

    2. I don't drink coffee.

    3. Or tea.

    4. Or alcohol.

    5. You are from anywhere in Utah or Idaho.

    6. If you have family from Utah and Idaho.

    7. You have never been divorced and nor were your parents.

    8. You and/or your mom was a "stay at home mom" most your life.

    9. Not caring about your bikini body.

    10. Settlers of Catan is your favorite board game.

    11. You're board game obsession in general

    12. The fact you went to BYU or had a family member who did

    13. And your guilt over not studying the scriptures more