This Fruit Tart Cat Bed Is The Single Most Instagramable Thing Ever Made

    I kinda wish there was a human version too.

    Here's a new thing Japan has that you're going to be jealous that you don't have yet: a fruit tart cat bed.

    フルーツタルトの具になってスヤァ( ˘ω˘ )💤 猫さんがくつろぐだけで可愛い写真がわんさか撮れる、フルーツタルト形のふかふかクッションができました!🍓背もたれに最適なリアルフルーツぬいぐるみ付き✨ ※モデル猫:白猫3.8kg・…

    Now, I don't have a cat. But I do have a dog, so I ordered one.

    I was so excited when it came and even more excited to take photos of it for instagram. I loved the little fruit cushions.

    The fruit cushions are all connected and can't be removed from the bed, so they'll never get lost.

    But since I got it for my dog, I thought I should maybe give her a turn, so I introduced her to her new bed.

    But then got inside the tart!

    And then she laid her little head down on the fruit cushions!

    I got right to work. I needed the perfect shot for Instagram...

    Here's another angle, with just a hint of fruit.

    And from above.

    She even looks cute when she's not even in the tart.

    For what it's worth, my dog is pretty small (only about 10 pounds) and she barely fit in the tart bed. I doubt a bigger dog would fit at all.

    Instagram in Japan is filled with customers who love their fruit tart pet beds:

    "Adorable even though it's overflowing ❤️"

    "Looks soft and comfy 😍"

    "I think my dog loves it."

    "Adorable tart cushion ❤ Looks yummy (*´▽`*)"

    "I bought it the day it came out."

    This post was translated from Japanese.