21 Things We're Supposed To Find Romantic But Just Arent

    Fact: Dancing in the rain is a health and safety hazard.

    1. Kissing in the rain.

    2. And dancing in the rain.

    3. Public displays of affection.

    4. And more specifically airport PDA.

    5. Popping your foot while kissing.

    6. Saving someone's life.

    7. Public declarations of love.

    8. Gazing into each other's eyes.

    9. Being in grave danger.

    10. Being serenaded.

    11. Tripping and then falling into someone's arms.

    12. Snuggling after sex.

    13. Walking down the stairs to your lover.

    14. Rowing a boat.

    15. Grand gestures.

    16. Chasing after someone as they get on a plane.

    17. Cheating.

    18. Coming up behind someone and surprising them.

    19. Weirdly touching foreheads for five whole minutes before kissing.

    20. Overly toungey kisses.

    21. Shower sex.