19 Tweets That Prove Kat Dennings Is The Queen Of Twitter

    "If only everything was as dependable as my one chin hair."

    1. When life imitated art.

    2. When she was the only one to speak the truth about Halloween.

    Maybe Halloween would annoy me less if it was more about gravy

    3. When she asked the important questions.

    Is this moon worth putting on pants for

    4. When she was ridiculously relatable.

    If someone asked young me what I would be when I grew up, I would not have thought to answer "constantly nauseous"

    5. When that chin hair was everything.

    6. And so were bears.

    I like bears because they're depandable

    7. When she was self-aware.

    Going through this bag of gummy bears and calling it "trying out the flavors" is a form of self hatred yes or no

    8. When she was anti-cardio.

    Does everyone get in bed at 7pm and spend the rest of the night feeling bad they didn't do cardio

    9. When her brain melted and produced this.

    10. When she was seriously passionate.

    The power to eat donuts is within me

    11. Honestly, she will make you believe in love again.

    Dear donuts: how dare you, I will never fully possess you no matter how hard I try, I love you with the fire of a thousand suns, oh donuts

    12. When she was secretly all of us.

    I don't know what "turnt" means but I like saying it

    13. When she was the biggest cat lady.

    Never not stealing lip kisses from cats

    14. When she showed us she had it in her to be president.

    15. When she was truly inspirational.

    Every time I eat ramen in bed an angel gets its wings

    16. When she was a tiny bit fucked up.

    Of all the Animal Crossing: New Leaf inhabitants, Pascal is def the most bangable right guys wait what

    17. When she revealed the harsh truth of adulting.

    Anything above 74 degrees makes me want to barf and that's one of the adult things I have learned about myself

    18. When she reminded us it's OK to take a break.

    Dear my brain: TAKE THE DAY OFF TOMORROW

    19. And when she demonstrated pure logic.