25 Common Phrases People Use That Are Actually Extremely Annoying

    "In these uncertain times."

    Some sayings start out sweet, but hearing them over and over turns them into ear pollution.

    Owen from "Animal Crackers" saying, "It's in my ear"

    This week, redditor u/are_we_human_ posed the question: "Which word or phrase makes you want to tear your hair out every time you hear it?" And the people were loud and clear.

    1. "Let's circle back/Let's touch base."

    2. "Money can't buy happiness."

    3. "Sorry, not sorry."

    4. "I tell it like it is."

    5. "Life isn't fair."

    6. "In these trying/uncertain times."

    7. "Anything paired with the word 'hack.'"

    8. "It doesn't matter who started it."

    9. "Underage woman."

    10. "Blessed."

    11. "When someone is called 'antisocial.'"

    12. "I'm allowed to feel how I want to feel."

    13. "I'm just being honest."

    14. "We're all a little autistic."

    15. "Grinds my gears."

    16. "'Haha, must be free then!' when there's no visible price tag."

    17. "Anything that has 'bae' in it."

    18. "No offense."

    19. "I'm so OCD."

    20. "Clap back."

    21. "I could care less."

    22. "'Could of' or 'Should of' in place of 'Could've' or 'Should've.'"

    23. "Stop complaining. There are people who have it harder than you."

    24. "Yo yo yo, what's up y'all?! It's your boy — insert awful name. Smash that 'like' button and don't forget to subscribe."

    25. "'Cringe' makes me cringe"

    For me, "Live, laugh, love" can take a hike. Is there any motto or saying we missed that drives you up the wall? Leave it in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.