25 Michael And Toby Moments On "The Office" That Are Painful To Watch

    "I hate so much about the things you choose to be."

    1. When Michael gave him a rock as a going away gift.

    2. When he wasn't wanted at Diversity Day.

    3. When Michael lied to him.

    4. When Toby tried to tell Michael why kids shouldn't be allowed in the warehouse.

    5. When Michael tried to get rid of him.

    6. When Michael said a tearful goodbye to Toby.

    7. When Toby was trying to transition things over to Holly, and Michael wasn't happy about it.

    8. When Michael handled Toby's return really, really well.

    9. And then welcomed him back with a pet name.

    10. When Michael talked about Toby's divorce...

    11. ...and then kept talking about it.

    12. When Michael was excited to have Toby join a meeting.

    13. When Michael explained jokes to Toby.

    14. And then wouldn't admit that Stanley was out of line.

    15. When Michael explained what Toby had done to him.

    16. When Michael did not react well to getting counseling from Toby.

    17. When Michael tried really hard to be friends with Toby.

    18. When Michael withheld donuts from him.

    19. When Toby tried to help the office and Michael shot him down.

    20. When Michael body slammed him on the ice skating rink.

    21. When Michael saw the line HR drew and sprinted past it.

    22. When Toby tried to connect with Michael and Michael connected Toby's lunch to the floor.

    23. When Toby got put onto the Scranton Strangler case.

    24. When Toby just tried doing Michael a favor.

    25. And finally, when Micheal shut Toby down even when Toby agreed with him.