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21 Reasons We Should All Want To Be Tina Belcher When We Grow Up

"I don't need a boy to pay attention to me. I'll pay attention to myself."

1. She's extremely humble.

2. She knows that her self-worth doesn't come from other people's opinions.

3. She's not afraid to go after what she wants.

4. She knows she can be sexy and smart.

5. She's not afraid to show her emotions.

6. She knows how to stand up for herself when others try to bring her down.

Tammy: Where's Tina? Crying into her butt?

Tina: No, my butt is dry. And strong!

7. She has questions about sex and she's comfortable enough to ask them.

8. She knows that there are no rules saying a girl can't ask out a guy.

9. And she knows it's good to want to explore your options.

10. She doesn't think the way everyone else does.

11. She knows it's important to be accepting of all.

Bob: When everyone in the bi-county area sees our commercial they'll come to our restaurant.

Tina: I didn't know our county was bi. Good for us.

12. She is proud of her hobbies and interests no matter what other people think of her for them.

13. She knows that it's more than OK to think that you're beautiful.

14. She knows it's OK to not always have the answer.

15. She has so much confidence in herself.

16. Like, an insane amount of confidence.

17. She doesn't let people who say "women aren't funny" get her down.

18. She knows that honesty seriously is the best policy.

Tina: We have to leave a note! We have to leave a note!

Bob: OK, OK! You're so honest.

19. She knows the strength that comes from loving your own body.

20. She works hard and is committed to her passions.

21. And, finally, she knows it's important to have dreams.