16 Times “Shrek” Taught Us All We Need To Know

    Don't judge a book, or an ogre, by its cover.

    1. Don't assume that others don't like you. They're probably just as insecure as you are.

    2. People will respect you if you follow your own path.

    3. No one likes to feel alone in this world...

    4. ... so why not reach out a friendly hand in a time of need?

    5. Kindness goes a long way.

    6. Everyone has layers. Everyone is an onion.

    7. ... and those onions often have a story to tell if you just take a moment to listen.

    8. Don't judge a book, or an ogre, by its cover.

    9. Don't turn your back on people too soon, because feelings and attitudes can change.

    10. You don't have to conform to the needs and wants of others to be a good person.

    11. Being there for a friend is often the best present you can give someone.

    12. Being an awful person who's mean to others won't get you very far in life.

    13. What we deem as attractive is different for everyone, and that’s more than OK.

    14. Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

    15. Everyone deserves a happy ending.

    16. And, finally, all that glitters is gold, but only shooting stars break the mold.