Can You Guess How Many Flags Were Behind Tony Abbott During Each Of These Speeches?

    Raise the security level, get yourself a few dozen flags, and find out if you're on Team Australia.

    Real talk: Tony Abbott is a true blue Aussie

    And how does he show it? By SURROUNDING HIMSELF with Aussie flags.

    1. 1. Victory speech after 2013 election

    2. 2. Message after his first 100 days as Prime Minister

    3. 3. Press conference about union corruption inquiry

    4. 4. Press conference about cutting red tape

    5. 5. Press conference about the search for MH370

    6. 6. Speech at the end of the G20 Conference

    7. 7. Press conference about the Sydney Siege

    8. 8. Press conference following the failed Liberal party spill

    9. 9. Press conference about troop deployment

    10. 10. Press conference about removing citizenship from suspected terrorists

    Flag data compiled by The Guardian