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    11 Facts Proving The United States Needs More Affordable Housing Now

    AKA 11 reasons why you may need to move back in with your parents.

    If you're not making at least $13 an hour in the least expensive housing market in the country, chances are you can't afford your housing.

    Pertain to you? Probably. According to CityLab, there is no county in the United States that has enough affordable housing for those who need it. With half of the US population cited as making major sacrifices to afford their rents and mortgage payments, there's no doubt that something has to be done. Not convinced? These 11 facts may change your mind.

    1. There have been more and more cost burdened renters every year since 2003

    2. Rents are soaring even higher in metropolitan areas

    3. And these rents don’t show signs of slowing down any time soon

    4. Meanwhile, the United States population living in poverty is extremely high

    5. High rent forces families to compromise health, safety, and education due to lack of disposable income

    6. Even households who aren’t traditionally cost burdened are struggling to afford their homes

    7. Silver linings though! In communities with affordable housing, many more social problems are solved rather than created.

    8. Medical services offered by many affordable housing developments can make a HUGE positive difference!

    9. Affordable housing with educational services can have extreme positive outcomes for community members, too

    10. And there are many organizations that are working to create and rehabilitate affordable housing!

    11. Best of all, people are talking about affordable housing!

    Just last year, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of tenants who experienced discrimination and violations of the Fair Housing Act. Furthermore, prominent politicians and famous individuals are showing their support in the media, like Timothy Bloom working in tandem with Make Room. I could definitely add my voice to that crowd!

    There you have it! I'd bet you'll be thinking about affordable housing a little more next time you get your wallet out to pay rent. Seems to me that if we add a couple more voices to current supporters, there will be a whole chain reaction of positive social changes that come from affordable rents.

    Otherwise, you may need to cozy up to the idea of moving back in with mom and dad again.