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Tell Us What You Wish Other People Knew About Mastectomies

Tell us what no one talks about — but should — when it comes to having a mastectomy and life afterward.

A mastectomy refers to the surgical removal of one or both breasts to treat or prevent breast cancer.

If you've had a mastectomy, you know that it can be both a physical and an emotional process. What do you wish other people understood about the procedure, recovery, or life afterward?

Maybe you wish people knew that not everyone decides to get reconstructive breast surgery after a mastectomy.

Or you want to talk about the impact it had on your body image or self-esteem.

Maybe you want to talk about how hard it was to find the right bras and clothing during the recovery process.

Or perhaps you want to talk about what sex is like after a mastectomy, because it isn't talked about enough.

So tell us: What do you wish other people knew about mastectomies and life afterward?

Share your story (and pictures, if you'd like) in the dropbox below and your answer could appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.


Mastectomies are typically performed to treat breast cancer. An earlier version of this article misstated that they were typically preventive.