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How Did Transitioning Impact Your Mental Health?

No matter how you define your transition, we want to know how it impacted your mental health.

Transitioning can mean many different things, and it's a unique process for each individual.

No matter how you do it or what your timeline is, transitioning can have a huge impact on your mental health.

So we want to know how your mental health changed (or didn't change) as a result of the transitioning process, however you define it.

Maybe you finally felt some relief from gender dysphoria, depression, or anxiety.

Maybe you encountered some new mental health struggles after transitioning that you didn't anticipate.

Maybe the reaction to your transition from family and friends had an impact on your mental health, too.

Some of the changes in your mental health might have been expected, whereas others may have come as a complete surprise.

No matter what your transitioning process looked like or how it impacted your mental health, we want to hear all about it.

Fill out this survey (anonymously if you prefer) and your response may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post!